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Outfit Viewer - PlanetSide 2

Outfit tag:

The Edge of Dawn

Outfit Information

Tag: DWN
Server: Miller | [Control] | [Map] | [Real-time Map]
Faction: TR
Leader: MemesMemes
Member Count: 115
Members Currently Online: 0
Stat Total Active
Total Score 25,652,067 0
Total BR 1,641 0
Average BR 14.27 0
Average SPM 166 0
Average KPM 0.2 0
Average K/D ratio 0.58 0
Total Kills 30,380 0
Total Deaths 52,465 0
Time played 3 months 3 weeks 2 days -
Average time played 22 hours 23 minutes 0
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Inactive: 100 % (115)


IvI *
Date Joined
Last Login
FlamginoBOSS52Miller0.82222.60.3511.652015-07-26 04:57:48.08 years 9 months1 week 1 day 13 hours
MemesMemesBOSS32Miller0.63189.60.23290.212015-07-26 04:57:23.08 years 9 months2 days 19 hours 20 minutes
DocSlaughterSQUAD LEAD13Miller0.32157.90.14-2015-08-01 00:16:46.09 years 7 months10 hours 8 minutes
FruttushiSQUAD LEAD31Miller0.95154.40.27336.422015-07-26 05:00:07.05 years 10 months3 days 12 hours 24 minutes
MightyPhosSQUAD LEAD17Miller0.36990.12-2015-07-27 20:52:40.09 years 7 months1 day 5 hours 36 minutes
RedpantsMcGrumpygunSQUAD LEAD45Miller0.7204.30.34-2015-08-22 21:51:25.08 years 3 months6 days 6 hours 34 minutes
TheEdgyKnightSQUAD LEAD23Miller0.84211.50.19-2015-07-26 04:57:44.09 years 6 months1 day 3 hours 39 minutes
DemmonUnoREGULAR FIRST CLASS18Miller0.3166.50.11-2015-07-28 04:51:41.09 years 6 months19 hours 44 minutes
NofienitREGULAR FIRST CLASS33Miller0.27157.70.12234.052015-07-26 04:58:48.08 years 12 months3 days 7 hours 56 minutes
TelestrianSararimanREGULAR FIRST CLASS31Miller0.23127.80.07592.752015-07-27 20:51:31.07 years 5 months3 days 22 hours 24 minutes
TwiiNagaREGULAR FIRST CLASS3Miller0.1143.20.05-2015-07-26 19:39:44.09 years 8 months37 minutes
TyphonnREGULAR FIRST CLASS40Miller1.38190.10.28404.662015-07-28 03:31:25.09 years 4 months5 days 19 minutes
VivianneSREGULAR FIRST CLASS33Miller0.29172.80.1-2015-07-26 04:58:13.09 years 6 months2 days 23 hours 3 minutes
Jaycon356REGULAR38Miller0.56164.10.27274.672015-09-15 04:18:22.06 years 7 months4 days 19 hours 42 minutes
JordanKoffREGULAR27Miller0.58181.70.16349.382015-10-09 02:01:50.05 years 3 weeks1 day 22 hours 1 minute
3L1T35N1P3RGrunt15Miller1.09148.20.26-2015-10-13 03:57:45.09 years 6 months12 hours 1 minute
A010AGrunt3Miller0.1419.40.05-2020-03-01 01:36:40.05 years 1 month1 hour 17 minutes
AergianGrunt11Miller0.19800.06-2016-01-03 04:27:35.03 years 1 month11 hours 24 minutes
AiratarGrunt26Miller0.71234.60.25305.832015-08-30 16:27:59.08 years 1 month1 day 3 hours 6 minutes
AlcoIicornGrunt22Miller1.28193.70.34342.492015-08-31 01:22:27.03 years 11 months1 day 3 hours 25 minutes
ArnoldFrancisGrunt16Miller0.421430.19-2015-08-31 01:22:28.09 years 6 months14 hours 51 minutes
ArtyBubblegumGrunt2Miller0.1117.70.02-2015-09-19 01:52:54.09 years 6 months55 minutes
BAMBIKIkiGrunt11Miller0.2492.80.09-2015-08-31 22:20:22.09 years 5 months11 hours 22 minutes
bannanmonkeyGrunt29Miller0.75197.40.32416.272015-08-29 02:16:39.09 years 6 months1 day 17 hours 31 minutes
BotNeilGrunt9Miller0.44155.70.08-2015-08-31 01:20:03.09 years 7 months3 hours 38 minutes
Bum507Grunt6Miller0.2995.20.15-2016-02-07 04:01:17.09 years 1 month1 hour 57 minutes
CardboardiusGrunt6Miller0.22102.70.05-2015-08-30 03:50:00.09 years 7 months2 hours 37 minutes
ChocolateMongooseGrunt5Miller0.35109.70.23-2015-08-31 22:20:16.09 years 7 months1 hour 45 minutes
commissarroachGrunt13Miller0.59161.20.25-2016-01-03 03:17:55.09 years 1 month7 hours 53 minutes
cppurplehobbitGrunt9Miller0.36119.40.17-2015-09-03 19:17:06.08 years 2 months4 hours 7 minutes
CrintusZAGrunt19Miller1.37170.40.46-2015-09-26 01:47:49.09 years 6 months22 hours 16 minutes
Crono411fimGrunt14Miller0.41134.90.15-2015-08-31 01:20:03.09 years 6 months10 hours 18 minutes
CyborgKyroGrunt4Miller0.0429.30.01-2015-08-28 06:13:20.09 years 7 months2 hours 24 minutes
DracozodpGrunt17Miller0.361550.15-2016-01-30 04:18:54.07 years 3 months17 hours 42 minutes
DSPhoen1xGrunt9Miller0.63126.70.11-2020-02-29 23:02:33.05 years 1 month4 hours 10 minutes
EctopaxGrunt20Miller0.8151.20.34-2015-09-10 22:57:48.09 years 5 months1 day 44 minutes
EhspeeEskayGrunt7Miller0.2184.60.03-2015-08-31 02:14:56.09 years 7 months1 hour 50 minutes
EntwistleGrunt2Miller022.20-2015-08-26 03:57:29.09 years 7 months36 minutes
eToThePoweriPiGrunt9Miller0.43199.50.07-2015-08-31 01:22:26.09 years 7 months3 hours 2 minutes
FallbranchGrunt10Miller1.63142.60.24-2015-08-26 21:02:21.09 years 7 months5 hours 40 minutes
FalssGrunt38Miller0.962100.22329.192015-08-27 03:44:14.07 years 3 days3 days 19 hours 5 minutes
FizzyGatsbyGrunt28Miller0.751280.23412.342015-09-04 04:45:40.08 years 6 months2 days 6 hours 58 minutes
FR057Y777Grunt6Miller0.12170.30.06-2015-08-31 03:19:32.09 years 7 months1 hour 29 minutes
FreaavilGrunt4Miller0.1232.60.04-2015-10-25 04:55:34.06 years 9 months3 hours 16 minutes
GamfrakGrunt20Miller0.24101.20.08-2015-08-27 01:42:51.09 years 6 months1 day 16 hours 48 minutes
gradius02Grunt11Miller0.32124.30.07-2015-08-26 02:26:22.09 years 7 months7 hours 51 minutes
HackamoreGrunt23Miller0.581760.17-2015-08-31 02:10:02.09 years 5 months1 day 2 hours 57 minutes
hatecreeperGrunt14Miller1.0463.60.16-2016-04-03 02:56:57.08 years 12 months1 day 2 hours 27 minutes
HexArmageddonQGrunt6Miller0.11105.80.05-2016-01-03 03:21:30.09 years 3 months1 hour 46 minutes
HjordGrunt13Miller0.52185.80.14-2015-08-27 01:37:12.09 years 7 months8 hours 13 minutes
HopeHopeGrunt3Miller062.50-2016-06-26 04:13:31.08 years 9 months46 minutes
IffiAtBestGrunt23Miller0.64159.40.24-2015-08-31 22:20:20.09 years 3 months1 day 4 hours 57 minutes
JacobGearsGrunt16Miller0.5167.60.23-2015-09-12 04:54:26.08 years 1 week12 hours 23 minutes
jpjzeroGrunt7Miller0.2590.80.12-2015-09-22 02:38:00.09 years 6 months3 hours 33 minutes
JudgeReinholtGrunt14Miller0.3175.40.05-2015-10-15 03:42:36.09 years 5 days13 hours 28 minutes
JustForFimFlamGrunt3Miller0.1529.90.04-2015-08-31 01:29:25.09 years 7 months1 hour 22 minutes
KageRyuuBakkaGrunt20Miller0.92155.40.2-2015-08-31 02:14:57.09 years 5 months21 hours 22 minutes
KapitaenCremeGrunt16Miller0.16130.10.06-2015-08-28 06:13:14.09 years 7 months19 hours 10 minutes
KirbskisGrunt9Miller0.36115.40.11-2015-08-31 02:10:05.09 years 7 months4 hours 40 minutes
KogiTheFoxGrunt5Miller0.37102.60.09-2015-08-31 02:10:03.09 years 7 months1 hour 14 minutes
Kraigerex1Grunt19Miller0.46138.90.17-2015-08-28 06:13:16.04 years 5 months22 hours 42 minutes
Legendairy314Grunt12Miller0.89158.20.3-2015-09-07 03:50:02.08 years 1 month5 hours 33 minutes
LuthricGrunt3Miller0.22310.04-2015-10-25 04:57:00.09 years 5 months1 hour 33 minutes
MihoshikaGrunt4Miller0.3740.16-2015-08-31 01:19:56.09 years 7 months1 hour 19 minutes
MillionFoulDosGrunt9Miller0.861500.32-2020-02-29 21:32:04.05 years 1 month4 hours 9 minutes
MindflayerGamerGrunt3Miller012.80-2015-08-31 02:10:06.09 years 7 months2 hours 45 minutes
MltDmnsnlShpShftr2Grunt6Miller0.7139.60.24-2015-08-28 06:13:16.09 years 7 months1 hour 27 minutes
MonoTRGrunt15Miller0.16113.70.04-2015-08-30 04:40:56.09 years 6 months15 hours 6 minutes
MorethanawomanGrunt11Miller0.52135.70.17-2015-08-28 06:13:15.04 years 9 months6 hours 41 minutes
MrCorbinGrunt2Miller021.30-2015-08-31 02:10:07.09 years 7 months53 minutes
MrPerkyGrunt5Miller1.17130.80.33-2015-08-31 01:26:00.08 years 9 months1 hour 4 minutes
MyKneepadsAreRedGrunt12Miller0.99194.90.23-2015-08-31 02:51:27.09 years 7 months6 hours 41 minutes
MyrridisGrunt8Miller0.1372.50.03-2015-08-31 02:31:23.09 years 7 months6 hours 5 minutes
NecromanticerGrunt4Miller0.4279.40.25-2015-08-31 01:19:55.09 years 7 months59 minutes
NittyKingGrunt14Miller0.51162.40.26-2016-06-29 12:08:14.08 years 9 months9 hours 12 minutes
NopeIsStalkingYouGrunt8Miller0.56183.80.12-2015-08-31 01:31:36.09 years 7 months2 hours 35 minutes
OlironeGrunt1Miller000-2015-09-10 22:57:50.09 years 7 months6 minutes
OrionSterrGrunt10Miller0.63145.60.13-2015-08-26 21:02:19.09 years 7 months5 hours 3 minutes
PBnPewPewPewGrunt7Miller0.1475.70.05-2020-02-29 23:02:28.05 years 1 month4 hours 40 minutes
PeaceNail40KGrunt15Miller0.4196.30.17-2015-08-30 03:50:03.09 years 7 months11 hours 52 minutes
PenPieGrunt40Miller0.44147.30.15234.662016-04-10 04:22:45.08 years 8 months5 days 4 hours 25 minutes
PeterHUN96Grunt14Miller0.17109.40.05-2015-08-26 21:02:21.09 years 3 months17 hours 15 minutes
PoofyFancyPantsGrunt28Miller0.65160.40.2333.392015-08-30 03:50:01.08 years 11 months2 days 4 hours 37 minutes
RadawayV2Grunt19Miller0.56127.10.19-2015-09-19 03:15:00.09 years 1 month1 day 4 hours 26 minutes
RarityIsBestPoneGrunt10Miller0.65162.90.17-2015-08-31 01:26:03.09 years 7 months4 hours 48 minutes
Resdowg23Grunt10Miller0.29142.20.06-2015-08-31 01:22:29.09 years 7 months5 hours 40 minutes
RetavrGrunt10Miller0.0882.40.02-2015-08-31 01:26:01.09 years 7 months8 hours 21 minutes
RhuubarbGrunt8Miller0.4220.70.08-2015-08-31 02:14:56.09 years 7 months2 hours 7 minutes
RolandDartonnnGrunt13Miller0.23117.70.06-2015-08-30 04:10:25.09 years 3 months11 hours 45 minutes
RussianDancingGuyGrunt6Miller0.08132.80.04-2015-08-31 02:10:01.09 years 7 months2 hours 1 minute
SamguydudeGrunt6Miller0.25138.60.03-2015-08-31 02:14:57.09 years 7 months1 hour 42 minutes
SCARRVGrunt8Miller0.191230.02-2015-08-31 02:10:03.09 years 7 months3 hours 18 minutes
ScribbIeClashGrunt20Miller0.66231.40.33505.872015-08-29 02:16:37.07 years 12 months19 hours 4 minutes
ShotgunSNAFUGrunt23Miller0.24110.90.13-2015-09-10 22:57:49.09 years 5 months1 day 16 hours 25 minutes
ShutabyssGrunt5Miller0.31580.14-2015-08-29 02:16:37.09 years 7 months2 hours 3 minutes
ShyCakeGrunt49Miller0.39181.90.13261.012015-08-27 01:37:13.01 year 4 months6 days 22 hours 35 minutes
simonofGrunt4Miller0.16142.50.11-2015-08-31 03:19:33.09 years 7 months27 minutes
SirArthurIVGrunt7Miller0.1290.10.03-2015-08-26 02:26:23.08 years 11 months3 hours 38 minutes
sirsonicGrunt11Miller0.4108.70.09-2015-08-28 06:13:20.08 years 8 months8 hours 51 minutes
SuckleChuckGrunt6Miller0140.60-2015-08-28 06:13:17.09 years 7 months2 hours
TallTellGrunt4Miller0.1651.30.03-2015-08-30 03:49:59.09 years 7 months1 hour 48 minutes
TheGlassHasLiquidGrunt4Miller0.2340.70.14-2016-02-29 21:10:36.09 years 1 month1 hour 49 minutes
TheParadoxOwlGrunt44Miller0.64199.50.18300.552015-08-28 06:13:21.07 years 4 months4 days 16 hours 19 minutes
TsunflashGrunt13Miller0.39143.20.13-2015-08-28 06:13:19.09 years 7 months10 hours 22 minutes
tytherionGrunt5Miller0.133.60.03-2015-10-14 00:32:28.09 years 6 months2 hours 59 minutes
UmbrejoltGrunt4Miller0.1151.20.01-2015-08-31 01:26:02.09 years 7 months1 hour 33 minutes
VanadylGrunt12Miller0.39177.50.1-2015-08-31 01:26:03.09 years 7 months6 hours 31 minutes
VanuisbetterineverywayGrunt4Miller0.2573.90.11-2020-03-01 02:01:04.01 year 9 months55 minutes
WandaDunderpuntGrunt16Miller0.41158.60.11-2015-08-31 01:19:54.09 years 5 months13 hours 17 minutes
WettyFap8371Grunt4Miller0.0578.70.01-2015-08-31 02:10:02.09 years 7 months1 hour 12 minutes
WhyRThereNoGoodNamesLeftGrunt12Miller0.4101.50.16-2015-09-01 22:05:41.09 years 3 months11 hours 27 minutes
XoronisGrunt6Miller0.23129.40.13-2016-01-03 06:18:03.09 years 3 months1 hour 20 minutes
YummychickenblueGrunt5Miller0.02350-2015-08-31 02:59:23.09 years 7 months3 hours 26 minutes
ZenmedicGrunt22Miller0.341590.12-2015-08-30 16:27:58.09 years 7 months22 hours 31 minutes
ZetsevsGrunt12Miller0.1192.60.04-2015-08-26 21:02:22.09 years 7 months12 hours 39 minutes
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