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Outfit Viewer - PlanetSide 2

Outfit tag:

Postal Service of Auraxis

Outfit Information

Server: Emerald | [Control] | [Map] | [Real-time Map]
Faction: TR
Leader: BaronVonKraai
Member Count: 111
Members Currently Online: 0
Stat Total Active
Total Score 651,159,908 504,755,805
Total BR 4,723 2,012
Average BR 42.55 69.38
Average SPM 411.6 441.7
Average KPM 0.45 0.49
Average K/D ratio 1.4 1.47
Total Kills 714,972 558,869
Total Deaths 511,321 379,957
Time played 3 years 3 days 12 hours 2 years 2 months 1 week
Average time played 1 week 2 days 21 hours 3 weeks 6 days 8 hours
Check out: Outfit Certifications | Outfit Items | Outfit Cosmetics | Outfit Directives

Member Activity

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24 Hours: 2.7 % (3)
7 Days: 11.71 % (13)
30 Days: 26.13 % (29)
Inactive: 73.87 % (82)


IvI *
Date Joined
Last Login
BaronVonKraaiBoard of Govenors73Emerald1.25436.80.63441.732021-04-27 21:36:01.02 weeks 2 days1 week 23 hours 35 minutes
KenchIsSorryBoard of Govenors100Emerald1.32641.50.51624.62023-12-30 19:53:10.02 weeks 1 day1 month 2 weeks 6 days
LICKETYsplitterNSBoard of Govenors92Emerald2.66868.11.181039.222022-07-21 20:08:00.02 days 8 hours3 days 22 hours 13 minutes
LICKETYsplitterTRBoard of Govenors100Emerald2.66687.51.14916.082023-12-23 20:02:37.01 week 2 days2 months 2 weeks 3 days
MaybeGrathBoard of Govenors55Emerald1.22408.80.3796.172021-04-28 16:09:21.01 year 11 months4 days 2 hours 55 minutes
NeutralKenchBoard of Govenors23Emerald1.43425.60.28379.662021-09-10 17:12:11.03 months 2 weeks7 hours 10 minutes
post5mikeBoard of Govenors55Emerald1.123950.33482.242022-08-11 17:41:11.01 month 2 days4 days 4 hours 45 minutes
SciencePirateNSBoard of Govenors92Emerald1.39576.20.81174.152023-10-29 22:34:52.01 month 3 days1 week 22 hours 53 minutes
SciencePirateTRBoard of Govenors100Emerald1.14525.60.55980.512023-12-23 19:56:53.05 hours 40 minutes2 months 2 weeks 3 days
Waffler456Board of Govenors78Emerald1.58366.50.38819.992024-03-02 20:59:43.01 month 2 days1 week 1 day 23 hours
WafflerExeBoard of Govenors93Emerald1.52393.80.4757.412021-07-01 22:00:26.01 week 2 days1 week 5 days 12 hours
ABraveLilToasterPostal Clerk94Emerald0.95465.70.35626.882022-09-25 01:24:58.012 months 1 day1 week 3 days 5 hours
BluSPSPostal Clerk42Emerald1.83437.20.49602.242022-09-25 01:21:13.02 months 2 days1 month 4 days 3 hours
BoondoggleNSOTRPostal Clerk100Emerald0.933750.29422.182022-09-27 00:02:59.01 week 2 days1 month 3 weeks 6 days
BulkPackageOperatorPostal Clerk56Emerald1.14441.30.48670.232021-05-22 18:19:38.01 week 3 days3 days 4 hours 6 minutes
DrGelifingerPostal Clerk117Emerald0.52314.50.13353.822023-12-23 19:56:54.02 days 9 hours1 month 1 week 4 days
HerbyNCheezRangeritosPostal Clerk105Emerald1.64366.60.6574.332023-12-23 20:07:47.02 days 6 hours1 month 2 days 15 hours
JADENdotEXEPostal Clerk106Emerald1.74617.30.61756.342024-08-02 21:11:06.02 days 8 hours2 weeks 8 hours 5 minutes
NoOneExpectsTheMormonInquisitionPostal Clerk100Emerald1.98507.10.54653.342021-05-23 19:23:28.07 months 3 weeks1 month 3 weeks 21 hours
Number1MostBraindeadAuraxianUwUPostal Clerk100Emerald2.68435.90.57822.292023-12-23 20:00:02.01 week 2 days2 months 3 weeks 6 days
ProjectileFlatulencePostal Clerk51Emerald0.854120.29391.382023-12-30 00:41:40.02 days 9 hours1 month 5 days 20 hours
SirWigglestheGreatTRPostal Clerk71Emerald0.94510.20.35561.112024-01-01 20:58:40.02 days 9 hours1 month 3 days 7 hours
TolehPostal Clerk100Emerald1.5357.80.27397.712022-09-25 01:21:12.01 day 8 hours4 months 2 weeks 1 day
ActuallyWaifuMail Carrier50Emerald0.69307.90.2441.932021-05-02 21:13:51.02 years 10 months4 days 6 hours 4 minutes
AmortaiMail Carrier19Emerald0.87198.80.34-2023-07-23 16:19:38.01 year 8 months11 hours 33 minutes
ANGRYMARIN3Mail Carrier64Emerald2.01423.10.93855.662021-09-24 19:59:23.01 year 1 month5 days 7 hours 11 minutes
AngryMikaelMail Carrier25Emerald1.17240.50.36477.182022-05-07 19:02:36.02 years 11 months1 day 8 minutes
animegeeksMail Carrier53Emerald2.15343.70.62543.272022-10-20 08:01:37.04 days 5 hours4 days 21 hours 55 minutes
AP120sOutForHarambeMail Carrier38Emerald3.21428.61894.622021-07-24 21:30:34.02 years 7 months1 day 13 hours 50 minutes
ArtornisMail Carrier38Emerald0.73188.10.19344.72023-05-06 20:39:37.01 year 9 months2 days 20 hours 27 minutes
AstralHereticTRMail Carrier19Emerald1.17206.80.14-2023-08-08 17:25:35.01 year 6 months13 hours 56 minutes
AtackxTRMail Carrier27Emerald0.63200.70.23707.122022-02-12 19:40:49.09 months 4 days1 day 12 hours 8 minutes
BigDaddiDanMail Carrier23Emerald0.57121.40.17382.332021-09-18 21:14:44.010 months 1 week1 day 20 minutes
BubblegumOverdriveMail Carrier16Emerald0.2267.20.05-2021-09-22 18:11:00.02 years 1 month23 hours 59 minutes
BuenvecinoMail Carrier77Emerald0.97565.90.54764.062023-12-30 19:53:03.02 weeks 3 days2 weeks 4 days 3 hours
CalicoGhostMail Carrier28Emerald0.63241.10.22480.672025-02-01 22:38:11.03 weeks 2 days1 day 10 hours 29 minutes
CaptainDylanHuntMail Carrier64Emerald1.44393.10.34465.342021-07-10 20:21:27.02 weeks 2 days5 days 15 hours 29 minutes
CarrionCourierMail Carrier19Emerald0.74155.70.21-2023-01-20 21:59:00.02 years 1 month18 hours 21 minutes
CmdrGreeMail Carrier9Emerald0.531570.13-2022-06-12 19:28:23.02 years 9 months2 hours 10 minutes
CodenameWolf375Mail Carrier30Emerald0.66269.60.25455.842023-11-11 21:27:59.03 months 3 weeks1 day 2 hours 4 minutes
DMAC028Mail Carrier23Emerald0.482.60.07-2021-08-21 20:24:21.01 year 9 months1 day 14 hours 35 minutes
DNIRONMail Carrier9Emerald0.2458.90.09-2021-05-31 17:49:51.03 years 10 months3 hours 52 minutes
DocReturnsMail Carrier38Emerald0.62316.90.16479.92021-05-30 23:04:59.02 years 4 months1 day 17 hours 20 minutes
FlammableY3KMail Carrier15Emerald0.55195.10.18-2023-02-04 22:26:58.01 year 7 months6 hours 44 minutes
GameGrumpsMail Carrier47Emerald0.64127.60.18261.682023-05-20 19:32:23.01 year 2 weeks1 week 5 days 20 hours
Garbair1232Mail Carrier57Emerald0.61209.50.24424.752023-07-15 21:23:26.01 year 9 months1 week 31 minutes
HippityHoppityGetOffOfTRPropertyMail Carrier64Emerald1.62332.10.49680.042021-07-01 22:00:24.02 years 4 months5 days 10 hours 14 minutes
HypedAngelMail Carrier15Emerald0.38164.80.1-2021-10-29 19:17:32.010 months 2 weeks7 hours 25 minutes
I2eapMail Carrier45Emerald0.59428.50.18381.382022-01-08 19:48:23.01 year 8 months2 days 7 hours 35 minutes
iby52Mail Carrier9Emerald0.71990.11-2023-10-22 15:00:31.01 year 5 months3 hours
KalVindicatorMail Carrier66Emerald0.64231.40.16578.822021-05-30 14:00:13.02 years 4 months1 week 2 days 23 hours
KazoqTRMail Carrier46Emerald1.78575.10.94978.912021-10-21 23:24:00.04 months 1 day1 day 18 hours 27 minutes
KerjifflesMail Carrier98Emerald0.93307.60.5563.172023-12-30 00:41:41.01 week 6 days1 month 3 weeks 4 days
KillNyeTheTRGuyMail Carrier51Emerald1.293410.47537.982021-10-16 21:42:26.02 months 1 week3 days 19 hours 35 minutes
kn03pbMail Carrier117Emerald1.513170.36587.62022-08-07 02:57:42.08 months 3 weeks3 weeks 6 days 20 hours
KoridoriMail Carrier18Emerald0.7172.10.23-2022-01-23 18:58:58.02 years 1 week14 hours 50 minutes
MadHatsSnickerSnackMail Carrier17Emerald0.38255.30.03-2022-10-08 18:39:15.02 years 5 months6 hours 34 minutes
MehhdozaTRMail Carrier32Emerald0.81265.60.24361.042023-04-29 18:27:25.01 year 3 months1 day 14 hours 51 minutes
MeinLawzMail Carrier21Emerald0.26157.30.08-2021-05-01 21:30:43.02 years 1 month14 hours 47 minutes
MrSwaggyShirtMail Carrier63Emerald0.91383.30.42483.752024-02-17 21:52:04.01 month 2 weeks4 days 3 hours 55 minutes
MrSwaggyShirtNSMail Carrier79Emerald0.98395.10.44456.972021-09-25 21:28:53.06 months 2 days5 days 15 hours 28 minutes
n00t045Mail Carrier18Emerald0.3196.60.08-2021-10-23 19:01:36.03 years 3 weeks1 day 1 hour 51 minutes
NebblesMail Carrier10Emerald0.87244.90.29-2025-01-18 20:18:45.02 months 1 week2 hours 23 minutes
NinnerNinnerChickenDinnerMail Carrier10Emerald0.87198.90.4-2023-07-01 19:10:20.01 year 9 months3 hours 29 minutes
oneforoneTRMail Carrier17Emerald0.19190.50.07-2023-04-06 15:28:03.02 weeks 3 days13 hours 1 minute
PeepnutsMail Carrier99Emerald4.69437.20.46558.832024-04-13 19:12:56.01 hour 27 minutes2 weeks 11 hours 22 minutes
QuillheartTRMail Carrier40Emerald0.73339.80.3603.852024-01-28 19:38:47.02 hours 32 minutes1 day 17 hours
Raheal22Mail Carrier27Emerald0.34139.90.08289.942022-02-28 16:46:23.01 year 4 months1 day 14 hours 13 minutes
RiccaMaeveMail Carrier34Emerald0.1132.90.02-2021-05-02 04:36:39.04 months 2 days5 days 5 hours 58 minutes
SelenaWytherMail Carrier49Emerald0.96268.20.26257.892021-10-29 02:21:15.01 year 12 months5 days 2 hours 42 minutes
SeltzzerMail Carrier24Emerald0.46171.60.14431.162023-06-03 21:56:34.01 year 8 months22 hours 30 minutes
SergeantBurnsMail Carrier36Emerald0.95203.90.34404.412025-03-10 00:22:17.01 day 5 hours2 days 7 hours 20 minutes
SkelebeanMail Carrier14Emerald0.157.80.03-2022-08-07 02:57:43.01 year 12 months7 hours 28 minutes
SpaceChicken77Mail Carrier9Emerald0.4176.70.09-2024-01-28 06:56:46.01 year 2 months2 hours 53 minutes
Stormer112Mail Carrier17Emerald0.44176.90.17-2022-12-26 22:58:03.04 months 1 week6 hours 40 minutes
SunkaejiMail Carrier60Emerald0.74177.30.17395.42021-09-12 19:22:10.02 months 3 weeks1 week 6 days 59 minutes
TatergirlMail Carrier46Emerald0.7296.30.25347.42023-01-24 04:23:24.03 months 1 week3 days 20 hours 11 minutes
TharcardisMail Carrier11Emerald0.14197.60.02-2021-12-04 19:58:41.03 years 3 months3 hours 27 minutes
whydoibustnutsMail Carrier36Emerald0.61306.50.23185.692021-09-12 21:06:40.02 years 5 months1 day 8 hours 38 minutes
WorldOnFireFoxMail Carrier10Emerald0.2662.60.03-2022-01-31 22:35:37.03 years 1 month8 hours 12 minutes
XiaugouMail Carrier20Emerald0.23168.40.06-2022-02-19 20:32:13.09 months 1 week13 hours 49 minutes
xxx57Mail Carrier73Emerald0.38177.60.11455.682024-01-07 21:33:22.02 months 1 week2 weeks 2 days 13 hours
AtTheCornerJoin the Discord10Emerald0.2129.30.05-2022-01-23 18:59:01.09 months 4 days4 hours 11 minutes
BigCupOfBeansJoin the Discord21Emerald0.41520.16-2021-10-11 17:27:24.02 years 4 months13 hours 21 minutes
Blackout181Join the Discord33Emerald0.68194.10.17500.892023-09-09 20:16:14.01 year 5 months1 day 12 hours 58 minutes
BruIosJoin the Discord7Emerald0.2990.30.16-2024-02-17 21:46:56.01 year 1 month3 hours 40 minutes
Chara1343Join the Discord10Emerald0.23101.80.08-2022-01-15 21:12:42.03 years 2 months4 hours 40 minutes
Chubb5TRJoin the Discord21Emerald0.5325.10.22-2024-06-22 20:35:04.010 months 1 day11 hours 43 minutes
D0GWIFEJoin the Discord15Emerald2.32325.70.89-2025-03-02 19:49:52.02 days 9 hours4 hours 6 minutes
DisgruntledBluetoothKettleJoin the Discord34Emerald3.213800.69899.562022-08-27 05:54:01.08 months 3 weeks1 day 16 minutes
EmittaterJoin the Discord15Emerald0.23178.10.05-2024-02-17 21:47:00.01 year 1 month6 hours 45 minutes
ImGonnaJeffTheKillYouJoin the Discord27Emerald0.37233.20.15-2024-03-02 21:00:03.01 year 1 month1 day 5 hours 5 minutes
KhonngaJoin the Discord27Emerald0.71259.20.3426.682023-07-28 22:25:00.01 year 8 months1 day 1 hour 8 minutes
KiermanJoin the Discord62Emerald1.47258.40.42396.952023-01-07 21:45:40.01 week 3 days1 month 3 weeks 1 day
KimPossible2Join the Discord17Emerald0.34262.90.11-2021-08-22 23:21:56.03 years 1 week7 hours 32 minutes
MolluskQueenJoin the Discord12Emerald0.43113.40.1-2023-02-04 22:27:00.02 years 1 month6 hours 37 minutes
MrarctictigerJoin the Discord22Emerald0.43202.20.09-2022-07-18 19:59:26.02 years 8 months16 hours 55 minutes
NexusKnnightJoin the Discord13Emerald0.751020.22-2021-09-24 19:59:09.03 years 6 months7 hours 21 minutes
NSOZetaJoin the Discord12Emerald0.85169.80.33-2025-03-22 02:39:49.01 week 1 day5 hours 5 minutes
PecHardcheeeJoin the Discord53Emerald0.48168.50.11254.382023-06-17 20:16:14.01 year 8 months1 week 2 days 2 hours
PepsiAdmiralJoin the Discord11Emerald0.48127.50.13-2022-09-26 23:37:04.02 years 1 month3 hours 48 minutes
quantumnature7Join the Discord10Emerald0.16127.70.05-2025-01-11 20:48:45.02 months 2 weeks5 hours 3 minutes
SlenderBoss009Join the Discord6Emerald0.5259.90.08-2023-07-16 17:19:53.01 year 8 months2 hours 19 minutes
SSammberrJoin the Discord42Emerald0.66378.90.24664.132024-05-25 20:34:56.08 months 1 day1 day 20 hours 2 minutes
TGYKVVVJoin the Discord1Emerald000-2022-02-12 19:40:52.03 years 1 month23 minutes
TrebleClockJoin the Discord21Emerald0.63197.60.44-2025-03-01 21:11:52.03 weeks 1 day16 hours 20 minutes
VioreignJoin the Discord22Emerald0.31200.80.09247.442022-06-22 23:26:16.02 years 9 months18 hours 22 minutes
VycteriousmaximusJoin the Discord11Emerald0.32117.90.08-2023-05-28 17:00:51.01 year 10 months4 hours 30 minutes
wochaoranJoin the Discord21Emerald1.58268.30.39619.782023-06-01 22:34:34.01 year 6 months12 hours 15 minutes
WyldoranJoin the Discord49Emerald0.63231.80.29434.672021-09-12 19:24:56.011 months 2 weeks5 days 10 hours 57 minutes
Zemp4Join the Discord26Emerald1.46305.90.6654.412025-02-24 03:05:49.01 month 1 day21 hours 6 minutes
Name Rank BR Server K/D SPM KPM IvI * Date Joined Last Login Playtime